Once human body faces uncomfortable condition, there is natural reaction taken by brain and nerve system. Through medical explanations the reaction happens as induction of several nerves work is that we call as causes for headaches.
This common reaction can attack both men and women. Stress and pressure from outside can affect body gives respond and causes for headaches. In fact, this phenomenon is not just faced by those working people or businessmen who have to deal with stock and shares in trading market or in business, indeed it also experienced by most students aged between senior high school until university students.
Under what kind of circumstances do students mostly experience for headaches? Due to several real cases happens in real live, improper school living environment is the biggest causes for headache and other stress symptoms experienced by students. Pressure from teacher and too many assignments probably triggers stress and then causes for headaches.
Students are too confused to handle many tasks while they have to assure that they can get good score to satisfy parents. Besides that, less stamina and improper exercises are common causes for headaches in students who like to study harder. Of course we often see cases when students are in preparation for final exam or university exam. They study too hard in front of computer or books, pressured under parents’ expectations, eat much, and have less physical exercises.
This improper portion of having physical activity causes body easy to get tired and get decreasing on stamina performance. Too much sit and thinking makes your blood and oxygen do not flow smoothly through whole body organs, especially brains. This is why such type of students will easily to feel pain in their head, weak stamina, and migraine.
After examining the causes for headaches in students, as parents you can take several recovery actions that are safe and not harm your children. Mother can prepare for healthy and dieting menu and snack so that your children absorb enough nutrients. Not just that, father can also asks their children to so sport together, like jogging in the morning, swimming, or going to gym.
Besides relaxing it also helps body to have better blood flow so your students will have less risk to suffer from painful headache. Encourages your children and give them motivation will work better to heal causes for headaches due to psychological and mental causes instead of insisting them with your heavy demand.
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