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Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Headaches Migraine in Children, Is It Possible?

Headache migraine symptoms in kids

Headache migraine symptoms in kids, do you believe in that news? It is not a surprising thing when we heard adult keep complaining of their migraine. Then we can say that probably the cause is age, body condition, stress and anything.

But, will you believe when your toddler comes to you can say they suffer from unbearable pain only on the half of their head? Do you think it is possible for kindergarten children or elementary school children age suffers from headaches migraine? According to several clinical and scientific explanations, most children experience for migraine even followed by certain effects, such as vomiting, hard to sleep, and pain in their stomach. Below are several brief explanations of the possibility why children suffer from migraine.

The first possibility is theory related to emotional feeling and stress. For children who shock with new environment, going by jet plane, or have to adapt with new school, things can be happens. The risks are bigger in the children who are inherited to have migraine carrier from their mother or father. Even so such conditions are rarely found in real life cases. The most reasonable causes for headache migraine in children are improper nutrient and bad food menu.

When parents do not take good care of what their children eat and provide less minerals and zinc in the menu, there will be higher risk for children to get headache. Besides that different temperature can cause migraine. You have to be careful since sometimes it is followed by fever or influenza.
For children in puberty age, unbalanced hormone and fast growth of body organs can be the causes for headache in children aged 10 years until 14 years old. Each boys and girls have the same risk of migraine in that time, especially when they reach their period.

It is better for parents to take quick action for headaches migraine remedy. Mostly migraine does not attack your children one time only. Just like influenza it can arouse anytime and anywhere as your children do not have good body condition and protection. Not just that a migraine attack usually last for around 30 minutes and in some cases children can suffer for 48 minutes painful ache in their head.

It is better not to give your children medicine that you usually used, especially one with strong effects. Consult with your doctor so that you know what medicine you need to take when headache migraine occurs.

Monday, May 27, 2019

What Causes Headache after Drinking Cold Water?

what causes headache after cold water

What causes headache when you drink cold water or ice during the hot day after working? That will be nice to drink ice or cold beverage, especially after you do hard works or activities in hot sunny day.

Everybody likes it; even there are some people who love to eat ice cubes as if it were delicious food. Beside ice and cold beverages, people also like to consume for ice cream, not just for kids but also adult. In this section, we will discuss what causes headache after we drink cold water or ice cream in the shiny hot days.

This simple explanations probably helps you to understand what action you should takes and reasons why we have to avoid cold beverages and ice cream in supper hot day.
The first explanation is difference temperature that causes for headache in human while taking cold beverages, ice, or ice cream in hot day.

Say that it was very hot outside and your body also gets tired because you have managed several works and activities that mean your body also has warmer temperature than normal because all the body organs and metabolism is working hard to process energy and stamina. If you suddenly add different temperature substance to your body, then your body will get shock and react into various things but headaches is the most common one of what causes headache.

Headache comes because your body needs to work harder to make adjustment of the temperature difference. It means it exhale more energy and you will not that strong to face hot temper environment surround you. Thus, when you are not in good condition or extremely tired, you even can get terrible headache and even collapse.

Another possibility of what causes for headache is toothache. When you drink cold water and suddenly you feel headache followed by pain in your teeth or gums that must be something wrong with your teeth.Probably you have sensitive teeth or cavities. For this case, going to dentist and ask for further treatment can solve your problem.

After figure out what causes headache when we take ice or cold water in hot day, it is suggested to take pure water. Pure water or mineral water with normal condition is good to take for those who are having activities in extremely hot days. While for you who are finished doing exercises and feel stiflingly hot take warm water is better. Besides preventing what causes headache after drinking different temperature water, warm water also helps your body organ to burn fat better rather than cold water.

Causes of Headaches in Students

Causes for headaches

Causes for headaches can be various depend on type of headache and conditions experienced by patients. Headaches are the most common symptoms experienced by most people when they feel something go wrong inside their body or outside their surrounded environment.

Once human body faces uncomfortable condition, there is natural reaction taken by brain and nerve system. Through medical explanations the reaction happens as induction of several nerves work is that we call as causes for headaches.

This common reaction can attack both men and women. Stress and pressure from outside can affect body gives respond and causes for headaches. In fact, this phenomenon is not just faced by those working people or businessmen who have to deal with stock and shares in trading market or in business, indeed it also experienced by most students aged between senior high school until university students.

Under what kind of circumstances do students mostly experience for headaches? Due to several real cases happens in real live, improper school living environment is the biggest causes for headache and other stress symptoms experienced by students. Pressure from teacher and too many assignments probably triggers stress and then causes for headaches.

Students are too confused to handle many tasks while they have to assure that they can get good score to satisfy parents. Besides that, less stamina and improper exercises are common causes for headaches in students who like to study harder. Of course we often see cases when students are in preparation for final exam or university exam. They study too hard in front of computer or books, pressured under parents’ expectations, eat much, and have less physical exercises.

This improper portion of having physical activity causes body easy to get tired and get decreasing on stamina performance. Too much sit and thinking makes your blood and oxygen do not flow smoothly through whole body organs, especially brains. This is why such type of students will easily to feel pain in their head, weak stamina, and migraine.

After examining the causes for headaches in students, as parents you can take several recovery actions that are safe and not harm your children. Mother can prepare for healthy and dieting menu and snack so that your children absorb enough nutrients. Not just that, father can also asks their children to so sport together, like jogging in the morning, swimming, or going to gym.

Besides relaxing it also helps body to have better blood flow so your students will have less risk to suffer from painful headache. Encourages your children and give them motivation will work better to heal causes for headaches due to psychological and mental causes instead of insisting them with your heavy demand.